Wednesday, February 28, 2007

!!!!Final post!!!!

This is our final entry for our blog. We did all we set out to do and what was required of us.

On the way we had lots of fun and learnt heaps about our individual greenhouse emissions and how to lower them.

We encourage people to care and do everything possbile to lower their greenhouse emissions into the air.

A good way to do this would be to use Melbourne's public transport system whenever possible instead of personal vehicles (eg cars, trucks and lorries)!

Also, turn of energy using appliances (eg. lights, television, stove, computer) when ever you dont need them and don't leave them on 'stand-by'.

If everybody pulled their weight, we can make this a better place for all of us, our children and our grand-children.


By Jeffrey Cheng, Benson Chan, Carol Huang and Mina Ivanov.

Mind Map

We did our mind map really well. It was very sucessfull, we had to go through alot of newspapers, books and internet articles etc but it was all worth it.
It was really fun and rewarding. We all had alot of fun and learnt alot about public transport and how to use inspiration. It is a really great and interesting program which i suggest other years to use as well.

By Jeffrey Cheng, Benson Chan, Carol Huang, Mina Ivanov.


We finished our multi media prentation 28/2/07 we added pictures of the internet of air pollution and we took photo's of the group which we added in

By Jeffrey Cheng, Benson Chan, Carol Huang, Mina Ivanov

Research task

We have finished our research task, answering our two questions.

We are having lots of fun.

We finished the bibliography and made conclusions for each of the questions.

We have learnt that each car trip influences the greenhouse emissions and we should use the car as least as possible, only when needed. Public transport is better because it is more energy efficient.

By Jeffrey Cheng, Benson Chan, Carol Huang and Mina Ivanov


Our blogger account has finally been made.This is the first blog post made.

We have got lots of newspaper articles, The work is going very well. Our photostory clip is almost finished

From Jeffrey Cheng, Benson Chan, Carol Huang and Mina Ivanov